You can save the seals!
Right now, thousands of baby seals are dying as climate change destroys their sea ice habitat. Unbelievably, the Canadian sealing industry wants to slaughter the survivors.
Climate change has caused the lowest sea ice formations in recorded history off Canada’s East Coast. For seals who give birth on the small fragile ice floes, this is a disaster. Despite this, Canadian government and sealing industry representatives have suggested that the annual seal kill level in Atlantic Canada should be in the hundreds of thousands.
This year, tens of thousands of seal pups—having already survived the destruction of their sea ice habitat—will be shot at and clubbed for their fur. Others—some likely while still conscious—will be impaled on metal hooks, dragged onto bloody boat decks, and beaten to death.
Please urge the next administration to take a fresh approach and work to end the commercial seal hunt once and for all.