Speak up for animals suffering on factory farms
More than 94.9 billion farmed animals are kept and killed for food each year, causing immense animal suffering and releasing greenhouse gas emissions at levels on par with all cars, planes, trains and boats around the world combined.
Methane is one of the most powerful climate pollutants, yet also one of the most short-lived, staying in the atmosphere for only 12 years. This means that focusing on methane can significantly slow the effects of climate change. With more than one-third of all human-caused methane emissions coming from the livestock sector, we can make a huge impact by reducing the number of animals farmed globally.
Reducing our consumption of animal products is one of the best ways we, as individuals, can help animals and reduce our climate footprint. We need world leaders to take responsibility to drive this shift further and faster. By making this shift, we can prevent the suffering of animals on factory farms and protect the world around us.
Show world leaders there is support for a transition toward a more resilient plant-centric food system.